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Name: megan
Location: austin. texas, United States

im that girl in the corner that chokes on a breath mint.

Monday, November 08, 2004

Cyclecide Corruption

G. made the comment, this is what Austin was like before the techies. I looked around and sure 'nuf, he was right. Lots of tattoos, goodwill clothing, laidback and accepting people, old and new bikes, punks, freaks and normals. A very tolerant crowd. No wonder I felt so happy in this crowd. Our first Cyclecide initiation was last year's.

Laughing Squid said it best in this quote:

"The Bike Rodeo is a touring, punk rock bicycle amusement park and showcase of modified bicycles, such as the tall bike (two bicycle frames welded together), the bicycle chopper, the fire breathing Chupacabra, the bottle rocket armed Homeland Security bike and many more..."Too dumb to die!" is the motto of these heavy pedal maniacs."
Quote from Laughing Squid

During the show, there was a bike mosh pit you could ride in, bike jousting on tall bikes, bikes that spewed fire, kill the pinata while riding a bike (you should have seen the kids and their maniac grins), space launch to mars bike, more mosh pit biking. And on and on and on.

You can ride the demon welded and converted bikes, in addition, they have a bike merry-go-round, bike ferriswheel, and two new rides from last year. They bike swing thing and the bike rotator thing.

I'll get the fotos and video up later on. Stay tuned...and see if the band of pedal punks are coming your way. It's not something to sit out....


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