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Name: megan
Location: austin. texas, United States

im that girl in the corner that chokes on a breath mint.

Monday, December 06, 2004

I Feel Sedated

i feel sedated
Originally uploaded by faster panda kill kill.
I am hopped up on benedryll. My head is splitting though. It's even super strength. But other than knocking me out in that weird death sleep, where you can barely move your body, I still feel pretty much the same and continue to hack, sneeze, cough and blow my nose. Texas allergies are so fun.

I got a email from my sweet friend A, who has moved herself and her dog George to Saratoga Springs, NY. They arrived safely with all her worldly belongings (minus one pink Surly 1x1...sad) and found an apt. in town where she can ride to work and walk everywhere. I'm so happy for her - her email sounded upbeat and she's already learning so much at Serotta. She begins her welding class soon.

I miss her. Wish we could have had more time. Isn't it always like that? But I'm so happy for her. She said it was 16 degrees on her commute to her 6am shift. OUCH.


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