everybody now: all we are saying...
april 15. every year we have to deal with april 15. less paperwork if u just bend over, look back and smile pretty. I don't think u get audited if u smile.
did i just say that out loud?
here's some things to take your mind off all this drudgery of the day.
clients ruin everything. we fail: top ten commandments for client interactivity i love we fail.
mail order chickens (by we fail)
everything 70's
creepy strange fantastic swedish photography
blood is the new black tshirts and art
radiohead playlist: deep young etheral radio
napoleon dynomite soundboard
christopher walken phone message i'm no fan of bob schneider. but click on menu > animation/outtakes > walken on phone. psychotic bday phone message. by none other than psychotic classic walken. site by, ya. we fail. it's a we fail friday.
enjoy your eve.
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