mass ride. scanner party. alleycat crit.
and i had planned on being out of town for this weekend?? shew. it rocked. there was too much to do and i missed the yellow bike 8th anniversary and kill the hummer pinata party on saturday nite. dang. i heard they lit it on fire too.
so, a short run down and some pics with more pics to come after i come back from the evil doctor. i can't kick this cold thing - so breakin' down to see the doc.
Friday: Bikes Across Borders ride. we started at zilker and rode to the capitol and back. at least 100 cyclists on ALL kinds of funky bikes. 2 tall bikes showed up too.
Saturday: Scanner Darkly annimator party at rick linklaters house. they threw it for all the annimators - it was so fun.
Sunday: some rest and then Lee & Clowndogs Alleycat Crit Race. lots of folks came out and the racers were on fire with damn fine pedaling. lots of fun to see everyone out.
sneak previews.....
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