my dingaling
i forgot to mention my last day in chicago. i rented a 3 speed cruiser with back rack and front handlebar bag and bell. complete tourist package. sweet. they have a great bike lane path along the lake. i biked 16miles one way to Osaka Japanese Gardens. but i never found it for some reason. and was running out of time, as i needed to get back and start making my way to the airport.
on my ride back, i got to experience first hand the legendary chicago winds. at times, i didn't think i was moving at all. but it was great fun to be on a bike again. i rang my bell at sea gulls, squirrels, and rocks. i had a big ol smile on my face.
if you get a chance to go to chicago - do. it's a great city. lots and lots of movement. sounds. smells. wind. it's truly fabulous. I have been there a few times...and each time I like it more. lots of history. cool buildings. old old things. biking is huge there. the messangers are the most and out of the traffic and peds. it's really crazy.
here's the rest of my chicago fotos. goodbye shytown
here's some short little video clips for u.
walking in chicago.

biking in chicago.

on my ride back, i got to experience first hand the legendary chicago winds. at times, i didn't think i was moving at all. but it was great fun to be on a bike again. i rang my bell at sea gulls, squirrels, and rocks. i had a big ol smile on my face.
if you get a chance to go to chicago - do. it's a great city. lots and lots of movement. sounds. smells. wind. it's truly fabulous. I have been there a few times...and each time I like it more. lots of history. cool buildings. old old things. biking is huge there. the messangers are the most and out of the traffic and peds. it's really crazy.
here's the rest of my chicago fotos. goodbye shytown
here's some short little video clips for u.
walking in chicago.

biking in chicago.

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