urban assault race pow
me and chrissy did the urban assault race. my heart is near and dear to this race. i've been involved with it for 3 years now, doing the website and most of the design work. ben tackled the logo and tshirt design this year. it's always a ton of work and alot of effort for all of us, especially on the part of josh and his wife jackie. in addition to all the sponsors and volunteers, they put many many hours into this event and made it into a 3 race series this year.
the austin race was a blast as it has been in years past. me and chrissy plugged along purely for the giggles. we raced our singlespeeds and you know. they were great - simple and fast. no clicking through gears. just hopping on. this guy wrote up what the challenges were. we bike jousted pretty good and had fun on the bouncy balls.
we ended up 9th out of 45 girl teams with a time of 3:28. was all good fun.
here's my friend manny rockin the beats like he does so well.

our bikes are hanging and waiting.

g rides up to see us finish. and then we ride to amy's icecream for some tasty.

served up by our favorite scooper and the boy that lives at our house during the summer: dieter ray

oh and check out his band: and start west
the austin race was a blast as it has been in years past. me and chrissy plugged along purely for the giggles. we raced our singlespeeds and you know. they were great - simple and fast. no clicking through gears. just hopping on. this guy wrote up what the challenges were. we bike jousted pretty good and had fun on the bouncy balls.
we ended up 9th out of 45 girl teams with a time of 3:28. was all good fun.
here's my friend manny rockin the beats like he does so well.

our bikes are hanging and waiting.

g rides up to see us finish. and then we ride to amy's icecream for some tasty.

served up by our favorite scooper and the boy that lives at our house during the summer: dieter ray

oh and check out his band: and start west
well how did yourself and mskryssee
du?.....u gahnna joyn us mana~?
eye'll beye u beeyir! eye theenk
eyem gonnna purge the poowil bowt
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