when your wheel hates u and is untrue
saturday went well with a 3hr ride up 360 and 2244 therebouts. sunday I had the same intentions - but out east on one of my favorite routes: the sprinkle route. there's a 29mile or 40mile loop and on sundays especially, there's hardly any cars due to church and repenting christians and whatnot. it's wide open farms and very peaceful. however, you should be on the lookout for bike-hating dogs. I've had a few run after me, but never to the point of going for my jugular. their just playing around I suppose. a good squirt of water usually puts a end to their playful fear-inducing ways.
this ride started out great. um, other than I brought the same glove, so I had to wear one backwards. thing is: i've done this before. even a monkey could learn not to do that again. hohum. I hadn't been on this route in a long time and although I was starting later and was going to be hitting the heat for sure, I'm used to my retardedness of doing that sort of thing - no biggie. lots of little rollers, some new nicely paved road, hawks flying around, crickets doing their singing thing. everything is sweet. 40miles in the saddle is looking just swell. and POP. and wobble. on a descent. I pull over and see a spoke broke and my wheel barely turns now even with the brake off and my expert mechanical adjustments (the last part is a joke). DANG. 30min into what was shaping up to be a perfect little ride. I swung around and hobbled back out.

here's the route map - hope you can get out and ride it. sprinkle route PDF.
later we rode up to gateway to see rob zombie's devil's rejects. it was good - some people got up and left. ha. it is what it is. there are no redeeming qualities in this movie. it's like rummaging through a heap of old stuff u found in a burned down house, and coming across a weird looking video tape of murderous exploitation and freaks.
watched the tour and called it a night. the krazy kazakhstan vino is so fun to watch race.
this ride started out great. um, other than I brought the same glove, so I had to wear one backwards. thing is: i've done this before. even a monkey could learn not to do that again. hohum. I hadn't been on this route in a long time and although I was starting later and was going to be hitting the heat for sure, I'm used to my retardedness of doing that sort of thing - no biggie. lots of little rollers, some new nicely paved road, hawks flying around, crickets doing their singing thing. everything is sweet. 40miles in the saddle is looking just swell. and POP. and wobble. on a descent. I pull over and see a spoke broke and my wheel barely turns now even with the brake off and my expert mechanical adjustments (the last part is a joke). DANG. 30min into what was shaping up to be a perfect little ride. I swung around and hobbled back out.

here's the route map - hope you can get out and ride it. sprinkle route PDF.
later we rode up to gateway to see rob zombie's devil's rejects. it was good - some people got up and left. ha. it is what it is. there are no redeeming qualities in this movie. it's like rummaging through a heap of old stuff u found in a burned down house, and coming across a weird looking video tape of murderous exploitation and freaks.
watched the tour and called it a night. the krazy kazakhstan vino is so fun to watch race.
ahh...vinohz meye boy....he eptimeyezez suffer,attack,humble...i hope the loozers @ t-booble..realise what and whom there loosing....i say
toss jan...not yawn...jan....he's
such a sissy....and can't even match vinohz intensity...intensity with big f'n I! Vive alexander the great!
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