1970's fixed gear guy
i started my ride saturday much too late....again. 11:45am and i'm finally off. on the pavement. i think its like 105. i dunno. i've been drinking lots of coffee all week and not much water to speak of. i think the hydration tank is starting at empty. the ride is ok...but i don't feel so great. but muster along. i hit adirondack to go down and across spicewood then up and over to HWY 360. always a fun descent.
before 360 is the pretty little creek. i want to just plop down sometimes and call "uncle".
i pass the buddhist temple when i ride 360. i love the gold smiling buddha and always bow to him. we went to this temple in febuary for some kind of celebration. it was lots of fun.
yap, got passed by a mountain biker on the road. ugh. i hate when that happens. ha .. he was very nice and i just told him not to tell anyone.
at some point on 2244 my computer hit zero - some kind of force field i went through. hell. i am pretty sure it began reading my brain wave. i was fried. my head was killing me and i pulled over when i saw "free gatorade" at some new bike shop way out there. i mowed down all the little kids in the parking lot to get to it. ;-) outta my way youngsters. can't you see this woman is fried?
another highlight on this ride was i saw....THE ELUSIVE 1970'S SHIRTLESS FIXED GEAR GUY. i have seen him a few times now. in town and out on BEE CAVE (wow) and this time on rollingwood. he was huffing it up on one of the extreme hills, but waved and smiled as we crossed paths. he always looks the same: dark fro-ish hair, headband, no shirt, black lycra, fixed gear with HUGE chainring. it's like seeing Bigfoot for me. next time, i've got to get a photo.
has anyone else seen him? post up if so. he's out there - i'm tellin' ya.
dude, I can vouch for you. Does he still have that Magnum mustache or what now?
melly! yes. i forgot the magnum mustache. that is still intact. we must find and capture him for observation!
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