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Name: megan
Location: austin. texas, United States

im that girl in the corner that chokes on a breath mint.

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

who is the inventor of gas powered bikes?

polvos drunken camerafone action of my friends. and then i tried to take my foto in the bathroom at emos after 3 margaritas and 1 beer. i don't think it's possible in this condition. and i was really concentrating. headed to canton trade days. the largest flea market in the world they say. and it was huge. tons of cool junk. more camera fone. still didn't have my camera charger that i lost. i saw 2 gas powered bikes (huh?), a homemade 2-bike rikshawish thing, and a sweet blue 1947 chevy fender. this is in the union at UT in a secret staircase. cool pipes all wrapped up and old. there are a ton of old abandoned buildings in my hometown that i saw this weekend. all i want to do is go and explore and imagine what all has happened in those buildings. if you ever have a chance to get into an old building, especially a mental hospital or church or hotel or well me. i got caught up in 3 separate wrecks on IH35 heading towards Dallas on friday, then heading back to Austin on sunday. total time spent idling on the highway in 100 degrees = around 2.5hrs. 1 18wheeler burned up, 1 bus burned up, 1 minivan overturned. i got up to it right as the ambulance arrived and they were jumping out and running towards the car. ugh. that stretch is death valley. i don't drive enough to get used to all that. people take the craziest chances going 80miles per hour. back home to my pups.


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