Dalai Lama ticket pickup for Austin
the Dalai Lama will be in austin speaking on sept. 20. TICKET PICKUP IS TUESDAY, 9/6 starting at 7am! there are 3,150 tix for general public and 8,000 tix for UT Austin student, faculty and staff. pickup begins at 7am. they are FREE. you can get 2 tix per person. for more info - see the tix pickup info. i hope you have a chance to hear him.
i am so looking forward to it. the title of his talk is: "Individual Responsibility in the Global Community"
i'm helping to maintain a webpage of katrina relief resources for UT. my director compiled most of the info - it's really comprehensive and we will include the lost pets registry info and any foster info, etc.
i had some fun this weekend. even among all the misery and gloom from katrina. easy access to instant news is a good thing i guess. i dunno really. i got in a couple great rides. one on the road and one in and around town. we went to visit Prince at Atomic City. just wanted to check in and see how he was after bisquit's death. he told us his stories about him, and his one little stint as a big boy roadie and we talked about bisquit's art show that gallery lombardi is going to have in January.
prince has some great stuff up there - pay him a visit. LOTS of shoes of course. japanese toys and books. some nice tattoo books. and yes. i did walk away with a new pair of shoes. wait till you see them.
after paying a visit to jason at his new tattoo shop on south lamar, we ended the eve at the Terrible One to hook up with Jbomb. they were showing: ONG BAK: thai warrior. i love that movie. well, we were unfashionable early i guess. she said the flyer said 8....but there were only a few people riding the ramp. we had been out on bikes all day, so decided to head home and chill with the pups. another time....
atomic city: shoes YUM

the Terrible One gate

i am so looking forward to it. the title of his talk is: "Individual Responsibility in the Global Community"
i'm helping to maintain a webpage of katrina relief resources for UT. my director compiled most of the info - it's really comprehensive and we will include the lost pets registry info and any foster info, etc.
i had some fun this weekend. even among all the misery and gloom from katrina. easy access to instant news is a good thing i guess. i dunno really. i got in a couple great rides. one on the road and one in and around town. we went to visit Prince at Atomic City. just wanted to check in and see how he was after bisquit's death. he told us his stories about him, and his one little stint as a big boy roadie and we talked about bisquit's art show that gallery lombardi is going to have in January.
prince has some great stuff up there - pay him a visit. LOTS of shoes of course. japanese toys and books. some nice tattoo books. and yes. i did walk away with a new pair of shoes. wait till you see them.
after paying a visit to jason at his new tattoo shop on south lamar, we ended the eve at the Terrible One to hook up with Jbomb. they were showing: ONG BAK: thai warrior. i love that movie. well, we were unfashionable early i guess. she said the flyer said 8....but there were only a few people riding the ramp. we had been out on bikes all day, so decided to head home and chill with the pups. another time....
atomic city: shoes YUM

the Terrible One gate

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