a happy ending bike story
when i was in Chicago in June for the HOW design conference, i was taking lots of pictures of bike folks. there is good biking in chicago - many track/ss/commuter/messenger/insert bike buildup here type of bikes. it was very cool and inspiring. well, i had to put together a report for my department of my experience, and was going through my pics and ran across this one.
i saw this guy locking up his lovely bike when i was walking around and asked him if i could take his pic. he kindly agreed and i snapped it. i said thanks, he said no problem and he locked up his bike and i went on my way.
i really liked the way it came out. it's a great shot of him and his bike in the streets of chicago. and i was always intrigued by the (superhero) painted on his frame. so, when i ran across the photo again yesterday, i'm wondering if "j-man (superhero)" is like a weird little bike frame company or something. so, what do you do when u have a question? google it. and in the search a blog entry comes up talking about "j-man (superhero)", and it's from a guy in Chicago. he's talking about his friend j-man and how he came by his house bleeding after a wreck on his bike. and i'm thinking: no way. could this be the guy in my photo he's talking about?
i email this guy....and send him a link to the photo and tell him the story and say, is this THE j-man (superhero)?? he says, "hell yes. that's him." he lives in the apt. above the bar where this guy works. awesome. so, i send him the original photo i took and it's a happy ending.
he said that j-man really is a superhero too. i just knew it.
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