ulock hacksaw maniac on the loose
i noticed today that my ulock has succumbed to ulock hackery! hay. that's not very nice. so there are quite a few hacks and cuts on it. course the ulock won. i dunno really when it happened. i really hope it wasn't on campus where i lock it every day. i mean, it's in a parking garage very visible with lots of car/foot traffic. so. prolly had to be someplace else. just sucks. i am always very cautious about where i lock it up, especially at night. i can't imagine coming out and not seeing the orange one where i left it. AUGH.
RITA UPDATE: well, on my ride home - i saw a trashcan blown over and a board traffic-type sign on it's side. it's trash day and likely the trashman knocked it over. the sign may have been on it's side yesterday too. but hay. it's something.
i've been to beaumont. my college roommate was from there. her mom made gumbo for us and we went over the LA border to party that nite cuz the drinking age was 18 or something. looks it and port arthur will get the POW part. poor new orleans. they can't get a break. already it sounds like water is pouring back in. wishing the best for everyone in the new 12hrs.
for here though looks like decent riding weather tomorrow. be safe out there.
here's my injured but sturdy ulock.
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