wasps, bikes, honkers and annimators
ah. the weekend of rejuvenation. the time to play. to do chores. to sleep. to ride long.
some highlights:
tried to watch the aviator friday nite - but we fell asleep. long ass movie. does anyone know how it ended?
rode from the house towards the dam loop saturday afternoon. I think it was like 60ish. ohmygod. perfect. sunshine. lovely 3 1/2 hr ride. birds singing kinda stuff. I couldn't get into my office building cuz I didn't have the right key. so no ipod. just me and the wind. there wasn't many cyclists out. big 'ol road race in bryan i remembered.
and a wasp. on the way down 2222 - I hit 47mph. and a wasp decided to hitch a ride in my jersey. wow. that stung. once I realized what was going on - I got down and tried to find him. and he stung me again. so I got him between my fingers and crushed his poor little tiny brain until I could stop and shake him out. hope it was good for him.
to the man on 2222 that honked at me: thanks. 2222 on a bike is no picnic. its a short distance of sketchyness to the hill (where i take the lane) and then finally the shoulder again at the bottom. don't honk. u have 2 lanes. I have a small white line with white bump things on it. skoot over. be kind. have some patience as you pass by me at 55+mph. on the horn. I know that 5 seconds of time you lost is crucial to your latte fix. thanks man.
i saw ryan as i rode home on north loop. he moves up north - way up north - in november. another friend gone. BUT. i got some good news: alexis is moving back like tomorrow from saratoga springs. :-) i know there's a good story behind this - looking forward to hearing it. i'm just glad she'll be back in a-town.
saturday nite was josh and jackie's going away party. another colorado bound texan. so drank some beers at showdown and then we cruised the bikes downtown to the ritz. pool. beers. and ice hockey rounded out the evening. and a fun ride back through town.
josh takes care of some bizness.
king solio was there. he raced 90miles in bryan and had the farmer sunburn going strong. at 12midnite his bday party began.
sunday nursed a small hangover. and then it was obedience class with molee. me and g sat through his unruliness while our nice trainer informed us of all the bad things we thought were good things for him. hooboy. so, we're working with the funny excited doggie and in a month he'll be doing our laundry. what the heck john. tell your mutts to get off the computer and sending him emails about how to torment us!
sunday nite we headed downtown to the scanner darkly wrap up party. they are about done! some folks were parting as the work has dwindled down....greg stays on till mid-november. but looks like the 60hr work week will be cut back. cool. it was fun - there are some wildly creative and talented folks in this mix. I can't wait till the movie comes out. look for it march 2006.
yay, i'm a friend of alexis's too and i just happened across your blog today.
oh cool! thanks for stoppin by. and yeah! bout alexis. :-)
sucks about ryan and the wasp...and the damn honker.
i had someone acost me and the gf riding down nueces. i gave him a good lecture right next to the police station. same road, same rules, same rights yo.
is alexis the girl who worked for serotta?
hi whit! ryans a cool guy. a bit sad bout that. but he'll have fun in the cold cold dreary northern winter. ha.
sorry bout your encounter too. and glad u ragged his ass! it just doesn't take that much to play nice when your in a car and see a biker. wtf.
yes. this is the one and same alexis from serotta. she'll be out on the rides with us all. brent says...halloween alleycat. yaah.
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