the amazing horror masked karate killer girl from mars
hi friends. hoping this finds you happy or at least with a bottle nearby to get you there. cheers all. thanks for stopping by my mindless dribble. i've met some great friends and made some fun connections through this and flickr where i post up fotos. its nice to know there are so many other bike woozy folks out there. so thanks for posting comments and with many of you.. riding and drinking together and for those that aren't nearby - hopefully someday. i look forward to more of these character building adventures in the new year.
i leave you today with my alltime favorite holiday greeting. the amazing horror masked karate killer girl from mars wishes you a merry xmas
i am a wannabe amazing horror masked karate killer girl from mars. respect.
meighree happee megan!...i hope this
finds you and the mr well...puppeez
all happy wid schtocking stuphirz......the eelahngated munkee iz lookin schwell!....happpee happee and meighree meighree ....thanks so much for vizits to the w.o.s. and yir wirdz o wizdummm.....
xo :-)
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