friday the 13th. bring out your dead.
i woke up to this awesome coffin out on the curb with the trash across the street. with number 47 handwritten on it. its perfect. im thinking slap some wheels on it and drag it around behind the monkeyxtracycle. then it can be a coffee table. or daybed. or jacuzzi. or dog sled. or hardcase sleeping bag. or land sailboat. or goth love chamber. damn. theres all kinds of ways to make this fun. i've begged g to go drag it across the street to our yard.
so i know everyone is sitting anxiously awaiting how molee's obedience class went last nite. we are in week 5 and its been alot of work. uh huh. yawn. but check it out. he had a breakthrough. we all broke him down and he came out of it walking around on 2 feet and smoking cigars. it was crazy.
ya well. on tuesday i took him for a no charge private lesson cuz he was the "special" one in class. i mean ... we've stood in class the whole 1 1/2 hrs behind a row of chairs with blankets over them so he couldn't see the other dogs for 4 weeks. it was like elementary school all over being sent out to the hallway. on tuesday, lee introduced molee to the starting pistol. the minute he broke out ballastic when he saw other dogs, he shot the pistol and that was it. molee was sitting there at attention looking up at him, like: oh. that's what you wanted? he said: he's cured. when i came to get him. i was skeptical. but very encouraged and hopeful. and really excited that i can be patty pistol and walk around in a holster like a real cowgirl.
last nite at class. there are no chairs. no blankets. we show up early and hang out in the class area outside. the dogs come in one by one. molee doesn't go off. he sits there. course, lee is there with 2 big 2x4's (out of pistol caps) at the ready. but molee is so much calmer. so much more in control of himself. lee had to use the clapboards twice that nite. but that was it. we even participated in the class this time instead of having to do the exercises out in a field by ourselves and molee won a free lesson day there for staying in "down" the longest. he did great on recall even with all the dogs around and we did this thing where we walked in and out of the other dogs and he did it without becoming cyclone charlie. damn. i was beyond impressed and happy. i was giddy. my silly little molee did good.
enjoy your friday the 13th. a little birdy told me bout a Vday alleycat race coming up. more to come - yah baby...
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