hook em
if you are in austin or ever went to UT, this might be a big nite for you. the UT football team made it to a important game they call a bowl. and there is alot of excitement. so im drinking for the occasion. and.... texas just scored again.
o im still off coffee, drinking the yerba. im getting up early. but not getting enough sleep. rah.
what do you do when u see someone in their car by themselves really really dancing it up. lots of arm movement. its fascinating to me.
hello to bend oregon, the playground of central oregon from what I hear...glad to have you along. whit got dave's painted frame back. ooolala it smokes. all tarted up. and JLG sent me this link to some nice girl vs. door threads. who hasn't either had this happen or at least a close call. guadalupe, by campus, in the bike lane is a good place to practice this. cuz people love to pull over just a little, then open their door. oh hi.
hang in there UT fans. its a nailbiter. (unless you're reading this in the morning and history has been made one way or another). update: ok ya. looks like the tower will be orange for like a year now.
that bike lane is dangerous, take the lane or keep the u-lock handy. whit and i should teach urban cycling classes.
and i don't usually like ut games, but that was goddamn exciting. maybe it was just the alcohol...
hi nick. there is always crazy stuff going on in that bike lane on guad. now you can't even see the strip anymore so cars are always wandering over.
the other day there was a biker in that lane riding the other way (north) and a car driving in the bike lane and i was riding south behind the car. they were on a collision course. the biker was waving his arms. and yelling. its always a circus there. ya. im usually in the lane all the way on guad now.
same here. but that did end up being exciting. the old men announcers were completely entertaining too cuz they kept messing up.
The professors are in.
Registration starts immediately.
Classes for this semester include:
BIK101: Get off the sidewalk chump, or, How to take the lane like a champ.
LOC304: U-lock combat tactics, methods, and strategies.
BAT101: D-Cell Battery throwing for accuracy.
MEM604: Lightning-quick license plate memorization.
DYL401: Double yellow lines, the only true bike lanes
COASUX360: How to grimace any time the City of Austin decides to 'improve cycling facilities'. Meets with CURB201: Curb dodging for dummies.
Others available. Check the course catalog for tuition/fees/requirements.
oh shit thats funny whit. where do i sign up?? i really need MEM604 and more practice with LOC304. then i can ditch carrying around the nunchucks.
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