i know 3 nicks
here is one nick. i saw him when i rode up to congress. when the fiddler man was entertaining us. he was great. the other nick says theres a fixed ride tonite. he'll post up something prolly later.
molee graduated last nite. ha.
i didnt' make the wed. ride, looks like whit and nick missed it too. i ended up having to be someplace at 7 so took my ride at 5:30. pretty much same route as dave was taking. i call this my time trial circuit. from 45th to guadalupe all the way to 2nd down to the convention center and over to 6th back up congress over to lavaca and back on guadalupe. with traffic it becomes a real challenge. i rode without the chrome and felt naked. but nobody hit me. that was good.
i just read some bike down shit recently and again realize how it kinda is a war out there. surly butt hurts : evil cycler says fuck you dodge neon : zeke the mechanic and the close calls and mishaps i hear from my friends. i feel it at times and while i can get angry. i feel more like the surly guy. angry then very sad about it all. sad that there is such meanness and especially towards bikers. i want to stop some of them and pinch them. hay. you could have smushed me off this earth. mull over that while you drink your starfucks (they wont). it wouldn't be such a big deal if they weren't in heavy ass speeding plowmobiles while talking on the phone. more kindness in 06. all the way around. and a huge thanks to those that do give bikers the nod and a little room out there.
this might be a good time to check into professor whit's classes:
The professors are in.
Registration starts immediately.
Classes for this semester include:
- BIK101: Get off the sidewalk chump, or, How to take the lane like a champ.
- LOC304: U-lock combat tactics, methods, and strategies.
- BAT101: D-Cell Battery throwing for accuracy.
- MEM604: Lightning-quick license plate memorization.
- DYL401: Double yellow lines, the only true bike lanes
- COASUX360: How to grimace any time the City of Austin decides to 'improve cycling facilities'. Meets with CURB201: Curb island dodging for dummies - shoal creek style baby.
Heh....that was suppose to be 'Curb ISLAND dodging for dummies'. A-la-Shoal-Creek lovelyness.
ha. got it. ya i was thinking curb dodging? sounds kinda short bus.
oh yeah and........
Bike ride!
NOT fixie only. ALL welcome.
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