track skids on saturday, headwind on sunday
i rode the monkeyxtra up to frankenbike on saturday. it has really taken off. i'm glad - its fun and a good bike community thing once a month. i even had some stuff to sell, but really i have no idea what the parts are. i'll have to get someone to look at them and tell me first. ha. i do have a surly singulator if anyone is interested. never used.
lee came by and it was so good to see him. i couldn't make the party sat. nite cuz we were some place else. but i feel sure all the homebrew was drank. and then some. speaking of, is it wrong to drink baileys in the afternoon? i feel like having some now.
whit came out and walked away with the skid contest. i thought he was going to keep on going into congress. the 2nd place guy did really good also - it was fun. the crowd loved it.. the organizer says he wants to do that every month and more. like trackstand contest. hope more folks can come out next time.
here's whit's skid.
and he keeps going to congress at the stop sign.
of course i can't remember his name. cuz i suck at that. but 2nd place and lee cheering him on. (ok i found out. it's PJ)
here's the rest of the fotos
here's some from bruce too.
i got on the road today after throwing some rubber cement in a hole in my tire. a good stiff headwind was my friend the whole way. but whatever. i got passed on a hill (at beecave on 360) by a guy on a fixed. that was cool. there was a buddhist celebration going on at that temple before the 360 bridge. a lady almost hit me turning in on the shoulder to park. zen. came home and cleaned the orange one and we rode out to dinner. what a great day to be on the bike.
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