boys and their trophies - a scanner darkly
i went with g to a send off party for sterling last nite at opal divines. we also witnessed a car crash as we drank our beer from the patio.
sterling is heading to NYC for comic con to show scenes/trailer (25MIN!) from the yet-to-be released a scanner darkly. g was on sterling's team and so he and another animator, justin, created the abomination of a trophy with a eminem doll, the animator tablet stylus, a unicorn, something up eminems butt, a bee and honeycomb thing and gods knows what else on there. it was sweet. and worthy of the mantle.
we had a bunch of extra sigur ros tix, and sold 2 row A seats to this guy. we did ok on it - but he's got them for $399 on ebay now. he first listed them at $500 but got no bids. sheesh. thing is he gave us this story that he was the biggest fan and was so privileged to get these tix blah blah blah, which u know whatever.
some other articles on a scanner darkly are coming out now.
i got this picture of him when we went to san diego comic con and other randumb floor mayhem here.

sterling is heading to NYC for comic con to show scenes/trailer (25MIN!) from the yet-to-be released a scanner darkly. g was on sterling's team and so he and another animator, justin, created the abomination of a trophy with a eminem doll, the animator tablet stylus, a unicorn, something up eminems butt, a bee and honeycomb thing and gods knows what else on there. it was sweet. and worthy of the mantle.
we had a bunch of extra sigur ros tix, and sold 2 row A seats to this guy. we did ok on it - but he's got them for $399 on ebay now. he first listed them at $500 but got no bids. sheesh. thing is he gave us this story that he was the biggest fan and was so privileged to get these tix blah blah blah, which u know whatever.
some other articles on a scanner darkly are coming out now.
- philip k. dick website
- aint it cool news
- wired (this article reads like a people magazine, figured they would concentrate on the technology and art. oh well)
- the Philip K Dick robot went missing from an airplane - but seems to have been recovered. however, some have reported they saw him panhandling in tampa.
i got this picture of him when we went to san diego comic con and other randumb floor mayhem here.

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