brokeback bike ride
i rode the sprinkle route on saturday which turned out to be the best day of my life. or something like that. 45miles of road in the farmlands of east austin. the sky is huge. the horses are big. and the pavement goes on and on. it feels freeing. car traffic is gentle and folks are decent enough to give you some room. things are slower out that way. i used to have more 'i want to rip your head off' dog chases at a couple places along the route. but, they must have mellowed. 3hrs of bliss.
cons: wind. always. it was blowing north & west this time around. (can the wind blow 2 ways at once?) but it didn't really matter. after i passed the new sweden church i came up on these cowboys on horseback. they were nice and just riding down the road.
best blacktop i wished went on forever.

riding to new sweden cemetery where noone is at.

☆ ☆ i made a little movie of the ride complete with full on action bike riding. rated R for showing horse butt.
cons: wind. always. it was blowing north & west this time around. (can the wind blow 2 ways at once?) but it didn't really matter. after i passed the new sweden church i came up on these cowboys on horseback. they were nice and just riding down the road.
best blacktop i wished went on forever.

riding to new sweden cemetery where noone is at.

☆ ☆ i made a little movie of the ride complete with full on action bike riding. rated R for showing horse butt.
looks like a great ride; pretty flat cruise?
yes with a few rollers thrown in. i love the route. it always is good and theres a cutoff to go shorter (32m) if u want...
Seeing those photos brought back great memories, from '92 when my wife and I lived on Springdale Road and would ride in the Manor area every day. I was afraid the area had filled up with houses and cars in the time since (Austin's definitely a different place now), but your photos are just how I remembered it.
In the summer time the weeds grow three feet tall and come right up to the edge of Sprinkle. Riding along one would hear animals in there, scampering to get away. What the heck were those, I wonder? Just bunnies, I suppose, but I'd half expect to hear that they were some undiscovered killer marsupial unique to central Texas roadsides.
hi. thanks for your comment. you are right about the weeds. i'll get photos again of these same areas later in the spring. and in fact, i did once see a small fox? coyote? killer marsupial? WOLF? (nah) but either fox or coyote along the side of the road then ran off into the woods.
i really enjoy riding this route. thanks again for visiting...
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