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Name: megan
Location: austin. texas, United States

im that girl in the corner that chokes on a breath mint.

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

being fried and bike routes

things are frying. sizzling. here. 100+ all week. next week we have 90's. which means 100. whit suggested turning down the thermostat and going into hibernation. seems like a good idea. i am moving like molasses in this stuff.

yet, tim still sports a amish - or charles manson, depends on your viewpoint, beard. i still wear a corduroy hat when cycling, the pie wears a aquavest around the house and g likes to do movie rides at 5pm.

here's a list of bike routes to theatres we've compiled that we reguarly ride from central austin. hope you might be able to use them. they are in google maps.


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