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Name: megan
Location: austin. texas, United States

im that girl in the corner that chokes on a breath mint.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

the slow, the MAGNIFICO

you've heard of slow food, the slow movement, and slow down now, which even has the slow blog. you are only allowed to read one sentence a day.

a year ago i tried to do some slow. and found, slow aint always easy. i dunno why. just dont do stuff (ya just tell that to your BRAIN). modern life can work very well against slow.

but i live in austin. the slacker capitol. we gave the world slacker, the movie. in fact, i worked with Teresa Taylor at I Luv Video for a while. in slacker, she played the woman who tried to sell a Madonna pap smear and she was also a butthole surfers drummer. so with all my years of experience here, the late nite shows of surfers, crust, pocket fishermen, seemen, ed hall, ST37, squat thrust, miracle room, abundance of coffee shops, the drag, hell i even took that Scientology test one time when i was bored - my pores should be seeping with slacker.

for now i'll mark the slow blog off the list.

i was gonna make this short cuz i have to paint my toes for a acupuncture appointment tomorrow. i have no idea if i have to take my shoes off or not. but i want to be prepared. that's the other thing. slow is not the same thing as sick. i've had allergy crap since march. 3 months. with 2 stints of week-long deathbed every organ in my body hurts shit. doc just gives me allergraD and nosespray. xray of my chest and head shows no tumors or worms. so i'm taking it old school. time to kung fu this shit.

what i really wanted to talk about was the yellow bike party and art show. uh fun! and big. there were so many people there. it was like bumper cars. every turn or forward and backward movement meant you were bumping into someone. i think there were people that gave up and fell to the ground. unsure.

the bands were supreme. i missed foot patrol cuz i got way too claustrophobic and had to go outside for a while. MAGNIFICO, everyone's friend zach band's, closed it out. they were tight! freddie mercury rose from the dead that evening. i mean when you can get the room full of sweaty drunk bicycle people doing a mosh pit to bohemian rhapsody - worlds collide. wish i had video of that.

but instead i got video of Fat Bottom Girls. that is a hell yes. thank you to yellow bikes for another great party. i've participated in their art show party for the past 3 years and its always a pleasure to work with them. they are bike heroes. now i gotta go paint my toenails.

MAGNIFICO from iridemybike on Vimeo.


Anonymous Irene (Kclaw) said...

Enjoyed reading this so much.

Moshing to Bohemian Rhapsody...special indeed.

7/12/2008 11:09:00 PM  

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