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Name: megan
Location: austin. texas, United States

im that girl in the corner that chokes on a breath mint.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

gardenposse making things lovely

gardenposse was in my hood last nite! that is if the weather didn't postpone their evening activities. we had rain, sleet and more sleet and then some snow (but i was asleep already).

i will walk over a block to see if they got their plantings in.

i love gardenposse. i read about guerrilla gardening a year ago and have been meaning to make some seed bombs for a while now. i will make them for 2009. there's lots of space around here that can use a bit of love bombing.

and i will be happy to nurture along what gardenposse did.

the next couple of years are gonna be weird. but good. but maybe hard. and hopeful. and filled with change. community is a big thing already - i see it only getting bigger and more focused and with more people involved. i'm looking forward to it.

really, helping others is easy and fun. everyone has something to offer. everyone has a chance to impact someone's life for the better. it can be very simple: a smile for a stranger, encouragement for your friends and family, being their cheerleader - helping someone with a door or a pump on your bike! and if you got some funds, donate! every little bit helps.

right now, yellow bike hero's are looking for additional funds to move forward on their new location headquarters. they are an important and vibrant part of the austin bike scene and history. if you have some cash this holiday season, or time to volunteer, send some love their way. they help so many and get all kinds of folks on bikes for little to nothing in their pockets.

now go build some seed bombs.


Blogger bluecolnago said...

i like the seed bomb idea. pretty cool. :)

12/14/2008 06:09:00 PM  

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