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FRIDAY - from brian

One of the last quick notes.  Results are attached.  As always, lots of insanely fast riding, some interesting stories, and some tired but smiling faces at the end of the night.

Big shakeup in the fast class!  Ben got bumped down to 3rd, with Patrick taking the yellow jersey.  Gordon is now in the middle with second place.  Anyone can win!  Start biting your fingernails now, my friends, it just got a little bit more serious.

Grrl class is still up for the taking too, with ailments, attendance that's all over the place, and Megan being a maniac on a bicycle.  You never can tell.

Slo-ner class?  Well, Kris has won.  Now the race is on for second and third places.  Go for the glory guys, this might just be the last of these you'll have a chance to do.

Alright so the big reminders for tomorrow:

- Sundays race starts at 8 PM.  Read it one more time - 8 pm!!
- Ped bridge, as always
- Most of you know where we're going, just not how yet.  You'll find out soon enough.
- If everything goes as I want it to, Boner will be at the finish so he can tell the story of what happened 1.2 million times.
- Soda and pie for everyone.  Ok, really beer and pizza but that's close enough.
- I should have everyones shirts ready for them at the finish.  If not, I will deliver them.

I think that's about all the news I have for you for now.  If anyone needs to get a hold of me about anything, I'll be at the shop all day tomorrow (11-5).

Look forward to seeing lots of you racing and, hopefully, lots more at the finish (Epoch coffee on North Loop).

Good night,