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Name: megan
Location: austin. texas, United States

im that girl in the corner that chokes on a breath mint.

Sunday, August 28, 2005

emptiness at 12am

emptiness at 12am
Originally uploaded by faster panda kill kill.
i missed ben's race today. those 'things that prevent you from doing the things that you kinda more wanted to do' stuff. i'm sure it went well with lots of hotness. it's scorched earth here.

i ended up getting out of the house at 8pm finally. a movie ride to westgate to check out red eye. the guy from 28 days later new movie. it was ok. pretty suspenseful. he's great. but really it's more about the ride - sometimes the movie is just topping on the cake.

we got out of the movie around 11:45pm and the whole place was deserted. it was super eerie. the wind had kicked up like crazy. found out there were 25mph gusts. but not a cloud in the sky. bags, shopping carts, leaves, dirt was all being blown around. i swear it did feel like 28 days later. there was a bunch of sirens and red flashing lites up on the overpass and in this shopping center they have fake birds that squawk out - i think to try to keep the black birds away. but the black birds were there too mysteriously up in the trees. u couldn't see them....but u could hear them. it was just crazy...and not one person around.

we rode home battling the wind, dodging the drunks, evading a very motionless dog that just stared at us. pretty darn fun and surreal.


Anonymous whit said...

Too bad you missed it.

It was a pretty fun race.

At each checkpoint, there was a piece of paper telling of Ben's night of the wreck, the location of the next checkpoint, and a piece of colored electrical tape which you had to keep until the end.

We started at Red's Scoot Inn - Lemans style start.

Checkpoints (in order) were Casino el Camino, Trophies (on S. Congress), G+S lounge (at Oltorf and S. 1st), Barton Springs and Boulin, Brackenridge Hospital (15th and Red River), Little City (on Congress), and then back to Red's Scoot Inn.

Good times. First three finishers (w/ all the pieces of tape) were John (the messenger/painter), Gordo, and then me.

Lots of folks out too - maybe like 8 messengers from Dallas showed up.

I didn't stick around too long for the afterparty, but they had a band or two.

I really dig the graphic you did for the race - would have made an excellent spoke card.

8/29/2005 01:08:00 PM  
Blogger megan said...

thanks whit. awesome. sounds so fun. im sorry i missed it. aurgh. sounds like a great crowd too.

8/29/2005 06:16:00 PM  

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